Thursday, November 17, 2016

Welcome to the Purple Thunder Solutions' Laboratory!

Yes, because for such a long time, the Facebook page Purple Thunder Solutions (PTS) got stuck in laboratory mode.

Long story. But let's try to keep it short. I have been an admin of PTS for more than 2 years now. And I treated it as a part-time thing while I am trying to figure everything out. Everything from marketing to leadership to whatever stuff I am doing at the moment. I've been preoccupied for as long as I can remember to the extent that I realize something - I will always be busy. I just need to choose my priorities now.

Because I can't quit certain things like my life online, I just need to reorganize the things that I do. I miss teaching marketing in college even if it's just a part-time thing for me. Main difference is that for the few hours that I could teach marketing in college, I didn't half-ass it the way I did with my administrative job at PTS. It's something that I feel guilty to think that PTS is a pet project that I shared with a friend.

One of the main reasons that I am guilty of is that I am a perfectionist. The moment I realized that I cannot let go is being hard on myself. Then I ended up writing too much on my notebook and not streamlining any outline whatsoever. Perhaps because scribbling has become a way for me to cure my forgetfulness. I've gotten so forgetful that I ended up neglecting my duties as PTS admin too.

I never quit administrative duties at PTS. I still post articles that are consistent with the goals that I have set in the past. I just need to ensure that they are consistent with the topics that I choose to discuss. Then again, I have to start going consistent with what PTS is about.

The main reason why I used "solutions" instead of "marketing" for the page name is I want to offer solutions. It's not always about marketing. It's about finding ways to solve an issue or a problem. It's easy to spot problems when checking your social media newsfeed. Discussion first then search for solutions. Easier said than done, right?

But that alone should give you an idea what kind of articles will be seen in this blog (and occasionally on the PTS FB page notes). This serves as my space anyway. And perhaps this would also serve as my default "About Me" page. Hopefully I can use it to reach more people and find people that are happy to take my thoughts at face value. Better yet, I hope to be of help to you. Thank you.

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